April Stammtisch (hosted by GABC YPs)
Tuesday, Apr 19, 2022
The April GABC Stammtisch meets in person!
The GABC Stammtisch is all about networking, relaxing and talking about what is on everyone’s mind around work, business and travel, and yes, the pandemic).
The November Stammtisch will meet at Trillium Brewing (Fenway location).
When: Tuesday, April 19th at 7PM
Location: Trillium Brewing Fenway
Please RSVP so we know approximately how many people to expect.
Who is the Stammtisch for?
The Stammtisch is conceived and hosted by the GABC Young Professionals. It is open to everyone:
- GABC members and non-members
- Young Professionals
- Newcomers to New England or to the GABC
- and those who share a common interest in Germany!
This virtual event is usually approximately an hour long, but if the conversation flows, also longer. When we are meeting in person — it’s up to you how long you stay, but we hope you enjoy the company. Depending on who is attending, we may also speak German; if you enjoy speaking, practicing or listening to German, this is a great hour for you to join.
About the GABC YP Stammtisch
This informal get-together organized by the GABC Young Professionals group aims to connect professionals new to the Boston/Cambridge area with the local GABC network. We typically try to meet on the first or second Tuesday of the month, but sometimes our schedules are off, and it’s a different week or day!
Since Covid, we have offered the Stammtisch virtually, and have also met in person again. We plan to rotate between virtual and in person for the time being.
We announce the format and location via the GABC Web site and mailing list. (Sign up here for the general GABC mailing list, and send a note to yp@gabc-boston.org if you would like to be specifically added to the YP distribution list).