German-American Relations Under Stress
Wednesday, Sep 5, 2018

Under the premise that the state of German-American relations which have been known in the post-WWII era as “stable”, “friendly” and “reliable”, but that are now more often than not called “strained”, “tense” or “difficult”, two Professors from Harvard Kennedy School shed light onto the current political rhetoric and how it reflects the current and future Euro-American relationship: Prof. Lawrence, an expert on international trade relations, explained the current policies from tariffs to trade, while Prof. Kaiser, an authority on foreign relations, took on NATO to nationalism. “Disruption” was the word that was mentioned most as they provided details regarding the methods behind the apparent madness of the current economic and political agenda.
2nd Mayor Katharina Fegebank and her high-ranking delegation from Hamburg as well as a sold out crowd of GABC members & friends enjoyed an extremely insightful and educational evening in the historic rooms of the Harvard Faculty Club, where bright minds have met and debated for many decades.
Honorary Guest

Prof. Robert Lawrence is Albert L. Williams Professor of International Trade and Investment, a Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, and a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He currently serves as Faculty Chair of The Practice of Trade Policy executive program at Harvard Kennedy School. He served as a member of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers from 1998 to 2000. Lawrence has also been a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution. He has taught at Yale University, where he received his PhD in economics. His research focuses on trade policy. His latest book is “Saving Free Trade: A Pragmatic Approach.”

Prof. Lawrence, Katharina Fegebank, Prof. Kaiser, Bodo Liesenfeld

Katharina Fegebank addressing the guests.

Bodo Liesenfeld introducing Prof. Lawrence and Prof. Kaiser

GABC President and HamburgAmbassador Bodo Liesenfeld welcoming the guests.

This event was generously supported by the City of Hamburg.