
Rosenmontags Party at The Point!

Monday, Feb 12, 2018

Germany is famous for its Carnival celebrations, variously referred to as Fasching, Karneval,  or Fastnacht which reach peak celebration on Rosenmontag (Rose Monday), the day before Shrove Tuesday and the start of Lent.

Rosenmontag celebrations are typically held in Köln, Düsseldorf, Mainz, Münster, and Berlin. In addition to balls and parades, which take place in small towns as well as the cities, the day is observed by singing songs, often with haunting tunes, that have been composed especially for Karneval.

Because it is the last time for mischief and partying before Lent, Rosenmontag is characterized by a free-for-all atmosphere in which the normal rules of behavior are, ahem, relaxed.

While it’s a bit cold in Boston to celebrate in the streets, we were definitely up to no good in the fabulously quirky pub known as The Point, in the very heart of downtown historic Boston. This old-world style pub in the narrow streets of Haymarket provided the perfect party space for new world friends.



Appetizers and Atmosphere provided by GABC.

Cash Bar.


$15 Advance Ticket (until 10:00AM day of event)
$20 at the door

Start: 7:00PM

Dancing starts 9:00PM

End: midnight

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Boston MA