5 Channel Center in Boston, MA 02210
Contact Person: Pam King, Technical Recruiter at cse_careers@fraunhofer.org. or pking@fraunhofer.org
We have a variety of paid technical Fellowships available for international students which typically last about six months, sometimes for one year. These rotate depending on our current needs, but we typically have about five positions open at any given time. Most of positions are looking for engineering skills related to PV modules, building energy efficiency (HVAC, energy modeling, DAQ ) or Smart Grid. We do also have the TechBridge group which supports commercialization of early stage energy companies. Background also varies from position to position, although we tend to look for scientists and engineers with some lab experience, typically in disciplines like mechanical or electrical engineering. More information can be found on our website at: http://cse.fraunhofer.org/fellowships/ . Our open positions can be viewed on our website at http://cse.fraunhofer.org/jobs—careers/ .